Rather than just throwing stats and data, you can sell almost anything by storytelling. It makes the pitch more compelling.
Are you finding it hard to sell your product or service? Are the numbers scaring your customers away when it should be convincing them to buy?
You may want to give storytelling a try. The problem with many businesses is they are just too focused on selling a product or service. We see this happening all the time on social media. People love hearing stories about those who face and overcome challenges.
When you are using a story to sell, add some zip to your pitch. In other words, avoid product-centred words and replace them with customer-centred action words.
You need to reason with the audience on a deeper level and be creative. Think about the sales pitch you would like to hear if you were the audience. Say something you would like to hear in real life. For instance, talk about a real-life scenario when the product simplified someone’s life.
You May Also Read: Why Storytelling Matters?
Here are five tips to include in your storytelling selling strategy.
1. Get their attention
Your story should be captivating and revealing. As you tell the story, put yourself in the listener’s shoes. Is it a story you would want to hear?
Use familiar phrases and keep them simple. Remove any complications or barriers that will prevent prospects from understanding your story.
2. Personalise your story
Personalising your story is the most crucial part of storytelling. You can use a client’s experience like a case study as an example for your story. It will help you to present your message well.
Make sure you check for any changes in the industry that could impact your business. Include those changes in your story.
3. Do not apologise or seek permission
If you know and believe your story is important and worth your audience’s time, do not apologise or seek permission.
Many marketers make this mistake by saying things like, “Can I tell you a story about this?”. When you start your storytelling that way, it means it is not that important.
4. Avoid saying the ‘S’ word
The ‘S’ word stands for ‘story’. Do not mention it unless you are talking to a 12-year-old. Many people in the work environment do not like the term ‘story’.
They look at it as inefficient or unprofessional. Instead, start telling the story without even telling them it is a story.
5. Determine the takeaway
If you know your endgame, you will be able to build the framework of your story. Think about what is the takeaway you want your listener to get after telling your story.
Your storytelling ending should be something like this; ‘our product’ or ‘service’ will improve situation A or B etc.
Great storytelling in sales is not hard. You need to be authentic. Share with people about how your product or service will help people in the real world. Make the audience the main focus of the story.
Finally, you should be confident even when talking to the most challenging prospects.