Before looking at how to get money from Instagram, let’s start with the question: “why is doing business on Instagram a good idea?” The answer is simple, Instagram is one of the best platforms for doing business. Why is that?
You know that Instagram is a popular social media platform with over 1 billion users. Well, what you may not know is that Instagram has various features that support business. You can use various features that make selling easy. From Shopping Post to speed up transactions to hashtags that make it easy to search for market research.
Now, with a large number of users, can you imagine almost all the prospects of doing business with this platform? In fact, 87% of business actors admit it has skyrocketed thanks to this social media, you know.
Are you increasingly curious about how to make money from Instagram? Here’s how to make money from Instagram:
1. Become a Product Reviewer
What did you do before you decided to buy something? Most likely, you’ll be looking for reviews or product reviews from other people first. The goal is so that you don’t buy the wrong product.
Interestingly, 97% of people also answer the same thing as you. That means, product reviews can influence someone to make transactions. That way, being a product reviewer can be a way to get money from Instagram. You can be an Instagram influencer.
How to? You can simply review the product you like. If you can do it well, it is not impossible that the product company will pay you.
On Instagram itself, there are many successful product reviewers in various niches. Starting from food, clothing, and even books.
2. Selling Homemade Products
The next way to make money from Instagram is to sell homemade products. How potential is this business? In a survey, 81% of people prefer to buy handmade products. So this business prospect is quite promising.
Nowadays, the quality of handmade products is more convincing because the business owner controls the product directly. Apart from that, people also like something unique.
On Instagram, the potential for selling handmade products is also quite good. In fact, with more intense interactions with business owners through this platform, consumer trust is certainly greater. Especially, compared to the marketplace.
3. Open Paid Promote
Furthermore, there is paid promote as a way to get money from Instagram. Paid promote is a paid promotion service on social media.
Perhaps, this is the way to make money from Instagram that you find the most. Either in the form of an Instagram Story or an Instagram Feed. One of the reasons is because you don’t need capital to get started.
Use a real account. Don’t ever be tempted to use a robot account or use fake followers, always use real accounts. Because, your credibility is at stake. Not to mention, real accounts make it easier to get generous clients;
Give satisfying service. You must not forget that not only you have a paid promote service. So, always provide better service to clients. For example, by being an admin who diligently responds to direct messages (DM) and comments on every post;
Select companies. Make sure you only work with credible companies and the products you are promoting are of good quality. This is to maintain the trust of your followers;
Increase paid promote account engagement. Engagement is one of the benchmarks for companies in choosing a paid promote service. Increase your engagement by posting content frequently, using the right hashtags, and so on.
Paid promote is recommended for those of you who have many followers. Because, companies will prefer to promote paid services whose promotional content is seen by more people. You must know your instagram engagement. So that, you can make your own rate card by your instagram engagement.
4. Serving Instagram Admin Services
Instagram accounts for businesses certainly need to be managed seriously. The problem is, not many are able to do it well. Well, this could be an opportunity for you to become an Instagram admin.
With your expertise, you can offer Instagram admin services to business people who need them. Because, usually the business owner becomes the admin with limited abilities. As orders spike, they often have a hard time taking care of product sales as well as promotions on Instagram.
Therefore, the Instagram admin service business is quite potential. If you want to be Instagram admin, you must know about Instagram engagement too. Instagram analytics and best Instagram posting time is your concern.
Suka Me-Regram Postingan Di Instagram Untuk Kegiatan Bisnis Anda? Perhatikan Hal Ini!
Anda punya bisnis online dan mengunakan social media sebagai medium untuk marketingnya? Kalau begitu pastinya Anda sudah tidak asing lagi dengan salah satu social media Instagram yang sudah banyak membantu para “pelapak” untuk menjual barang – barangnya.
Lewat Instagram, para pebisnis bisa mengunggah foto – foto barang yang akan kita tawarkan, sehingga target market dapat melihat jenis, bentuk bahkan keterangan barang tanpa harus bertatap muka dengan penjual.Ada hal yang menarik dan perlu menjadi perhatian juga.
Pernahkah Anda memposting kembali atau me-regram postingan di Instagram? Regram yang dimaksud di sini adalah memposting konten orang lain untuk kebutuhan bisnis atauMisalnya dari Google atau bahkan dari akun Instagram lain. Mungkin sekarang ini Anda bertanya-tanya,“Legalkah melakukan hal itu? Aman buat bisnis saya tidak ya?”
“Lalu, bagaimana kaitannya dengan Term of Service (TOS) Instagram dan Hak Cipta dari pemilik aslinya?”secara pribadi Anda mungkin iya.
Nah untuk memberikan informasi dan wawasan baru dalam berbisnis di Instagram, kali ini kita akan share bagaimana cara me-regram postingan di Instagram yang sudah ada dengan aman.
Mari kita mulai yuk pembahasannya!
Tindakan Regram menurut Instagram
Seperti yang kita tahu, setiap platform social media pasti memiliki peraturannya masing-masing. Dan kita sebagai para business owner dan marketer online yang baik, ada baiknya jika kita menerima dan mengikuti term of service (TOS) untuk keperluan bisnis.
Instagram menganggap setiap pengguna layanannya bertanggungjawab atas konten yang di posting oleh masing – masing akun.
Bila konten yang Anda posting bukan hasil karya sendiri, Anda harus bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki izin yang tepat untuk menggunakan konten tersebut di akun Anda. Selama Anda memiliki izin dari creator aslinya, Instagram tidak akan mempermasalahkan tentang apa yang Anda posting.
Meminta Izin ketika me-Regram Konten Orang Lain
Ada yang perlu Anda ketahui, artikel ini memang berbicara tentang Instagram. Namun, akan lebih baik jika hal ini diterapkan pada sosial media lainnya. Persoalan utamanya adalah ketika Anda me-regram postingan di Instagram, apalagi kontennya bukan milik Anda sendiri melainkan milik orang lain, hal tersebut termasuk pelanggaran hak cipta.
Seseorang yang ‘menciptakan’ sebuah konten adalah pemilik yang sesungguhnya. Orang yang seharusnya mendapatkan hasil dan keuntungan dari konten tersebut.
Contohnya : Ketika Anda share postingan orang lain sebagai display produk Anda dengan caption mengiklankan atau mengatakan bahwa produk tersebut tersedia di akun Anda.
Apabila Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk menggunakan konten tersebut, pemilik asli postingan tersebut bisa menuntut Anda. Hal ini bukan hanya akan menyeret Anda ke ranah hukum, tapi juga bisa mengacaukan bisnis Anda! Tentunya Anda tidak ingin hal tersebut terjadi kan?