Content creation paralysis? Brand Momentum is the key! Here are some tips to battle content creation overwhelm.
Ask a new entrepreneur what the most challenging part of their day-to-day is apart from getting daily sales, taking stock of the inventory, fulfilling orders and all, it’s content creation. It does seem overwhelming. You have to think about what content to post on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tiktok, Twitter, and more. The need to stay relevant in this fast-moving digital world has become more demanding as newer platforms arise. Most of us couldn’t even keep up with new algorithms that seem to be changing every hot minute. You get used to one, then the next thing you’ll know, there’s a new way to reach new customers and engage with them.
Content creation is about creating
When I first launched a program about content creation a year ago, I had a closer look at how entrepreneurs view content creation. For them, it’s a very daunting task to constantly think of ways to stay on top of their audience’s feed. Even with the help of Canva’s templated designs, the idea of having to think about fresh content is tedious. And don’t even get them started about management; we’re talking — posting on time, mirroring to other social channels, and repurposing posts to their Stories. “I’m not creative, Maine.” said one of my SHEeos, which makes the idea of outsourcing seems so desirable. “It shouldn’t be that bad. Because you only have to create content when there’s something meaningful to share.” I often reply.
Content creation is about communicating your purpose
When you think of posting content as the only means to get your ideas out and have more sales, of course, it would be too much. The fact that we put too much weight on content creation takes the fun out of creating. That’s why it becomes so tedious and daunting because there’s pressure. When as entrepreneurs, we could come from within and ask ourselves why we established our business in the first place. Your purpose should be at the core of your communication; your purpose should be the primary pillar of your content creation.
Content creation is about substance
Have you ever heard of momentum? It’s a physics term that means the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity. In simple terms, every object has an amount of momentum depending on how much stuff is moving and how fast the stuff is moving. It’s the same with content creation; your content has to have mass before it connects. It has to have substance, intention, and meaning before you set things in motion.
Content creation is about being in the moment
Yes, planning is key. But nothing beats genuine human connection. The most engaging content we’ve ever put out there are those that just come out of the blue; those content are so in the moment it encourages your audience to think and reflect. And this is where the fun part is. As Elizabeth Gilbert mentioned in her book Big Magic, inspiration comes and goes. And when it shows up at the door, we have to welcome it with open arms. Content creation is pretty much the same, the idea shows up at the moment, and we have to respond readily.
Content creation is all about nurturing relationships
In this case, being good at communicating and knowing when to give you and your audience that space to grow. Just allow things to simmer down and let them absorb what you put out there. It’s not always about who gets to post all the time anyway, and it’s about those brands that use content creation to spark meaningful conversations and create genuine connections.